We got a battering from the Northwesterly freight train today. And if the damage on the farm was any indication (although light) I’d hate to see how the rest of the province fared. We didn’t have any trees topple however quite a few branches were torn loose, a sheep loading ramp went for a short flight, window glass blown in and the odd sheet of corrugated iron was ripped of the sheds. Jude and I had spent the morning repairing gate hinges (not storm related) when the wind really picked. The dust from the dry paddocks was whipped up and making a nuisance of itself. On the way back up the hill the wind gusts I’m sure was hitting the 100kph+ mark and we could see one of the large shed sliding doors was flexing in the middle about 8” out and it really looked like it was going to rip free. Took a bit of quick thinking but managed to put a clamp on hold the Center of the door to the shed wall… worked a dream.