We got a battering from the Northwesterly freight train today. And if the damage on the farm was any indication (although light) I’d hate to see how the rest of the province fared. We didn’t have any trees topple however quite a few branches were torn loose, a sheep loading ramp went for a short flight, window glass blown in and the odd sheet of corrugated iron was ripped of the sheds. Jude and I had spent the morning repairing gate hinges (not storm related) when the wind really picked. The dust from the dry paddocks was whipped up and making a nuisance of itself.Read More →

Funny day with the weather today, hot n dry, cool with light rain… a bit of a mixed bag however more warmth than cooler weather. The jobs todays, pickup Toms Ute from Oreti Plains, tow boat to Otautau motors for WOF then repair sliding gate at the stock yard. Jude and I attacked the task repairing the sliding gate, problem was the top rail was bent out of shape and the rollers had seized. 10mm x 32mm steel double track was certainly a test of engineering for us two novelist engineers. But after a lot of trial and error we were successful at the end…Read More →

Farmers should use less antibiotics, but if your own kitten or dog is sick, go to the vet right away and give them antibiotics and medications. Farmers should not import feed, but we regularly eat couscous, soy, avocado, bananas, which are for sale in our country by importing… 🍅🥥 Farmers spoil the drinking water with pesticides. But we shower daily with shampoo, rinse medicine down the sink and swim in the chlorine pool… 💧 The farmers should need less pesticides, but we buy strawberries and asparagus in the winter because we can’t wait for the season to come… 🍓🥦 The farmers have to keep asRead More →

(I read this by David Clark and believed it needed to be shared ). I have been reflecting on the farmer protests while going about my day feeding stock and delivering grain. The protests in my view were well organised, peaceful and met with tremendous public support. The political response got me thinking. Minister for the Environment David Parker said on radio that he wasn’t backing away from ensuring Kiwi’s can swim in their rivers. We can and do safely swim in the river bordering our farm and in Lake Hood which is filled with river water. However I cannot swim in the Avon orRead More →

Hope to see a lot of support for the farmers in the morning. It is a crucial time we are going through with the political drive to slowly destroy farming and the New Zealand economy by creating division amongst the people. If the people of this country can’t see this governments deliberate act of using Covid-19, climate change, racial rhetoric, any acts of individual radicalism and removal of information through cancellation of experts in their fields for compliant minos prepared to comply with the government rhetoric, buying off the mainstream media to spin only what the hand that funds them want you to hear, anythingRead More →