Take 10 Give yourself a break. From everything. Is the house clean? What time was that appointment? Did i get that work stuff done before the deadline? What will we have for tea? Are the uniforms washed? Is it my mums birthday today??!! What is a fly called if it doesn’t have wings? Does it ever switch off?? Give yourself a break, get out of your head for a good 10 minutes. Switch the to do list to silent mode and embrace the 10 minute holding period. We have soooo much to do in so little time, can you believe we only have 24 hoursRead More →

Fun fact… you’re allowed time out … who knew?! 🤷🏽‍♀️ You are allowed guilt free, time out, do what what makes you happy, free time. I know right!? It’s a crazy concept, you get to ditch the day in, day out routine and do something you enjoy. Wether you are a parent or not, we all need to remove ourselves from the daily grind and recharge our batteries in what ever way see fit -within reason of course lol. My time outs usually consist of estuary walks and 6am gym sessions, I also enjoy social outings containing a shit load of food and a f**kRead More →

Ever have those times when you’re having a row with a mate, a disagreement in your relationship, a lack communication at work, you’re having a disagreement about keeping potato chips in the fridge or something along those lines…. There’s usually an issue between someone else and yourself. Of course, majority of us plead our case to a mate, a family member, or someone we deem important enough to share with, we take the opportunity to have a moan, tell our version or express our side of the issue. It helps us reason within ourselves and makes us feel better sharing the problem. Sometimes once weRead More →

Frustrated? Irritated? Blinded? Clouded? Sometimes we find ourselves consumed with anger, sadness, rage, disappointment over a situation we just can’t change. The grind your teeth, pull your hair out, worry all night kind of feeling. The type of thing that no matter what you do, how much you throw at it, how much you try and help or how much try and wish it to be different. I know the feeling, and I bet you do too. This frustration can dim our light and cloud our judgement. Sometimes we need to take a step back and re evaluate our stance on things and put ourRead More →

✅❌when you want to be right but could be so wrong I like to think my opinion, or the way I do things are the right way. Always. Disappointingly I’m not always right, not by a long shot. There are only a few things I can confidently say that I know are undoubtedly right… -death comes to us all -my love for my kids will never fade -tights are a way of life -Kmart is therapeutic -a party is only a party if the snacks table is easily accessible, it’s not a party with out snacks Everything else is up for debate and open toRead More →

On days like today I like to take a moment to give a massive shout out to the outstanding efforts all the Dads out there put in. I use the term Dad very loosely, cos in my opinion, a Dad is a role model, some one you can depend on, someone who oozes love. To be a Dad does not mean you have to have a set of testicles, it doesn’t mean you have to be blood related, it means you are the person who stepped up and offered yourself to someone who needed you. The mums who are doing it alone and being theRead More →